Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Jim Carreys YES MAN - Prophetic mind-twisting from the Holly woods

This movie, as many other Hollywood movies contains two stories. One in a language that we speak, and the other in a language that we are unliterate. This other language is not bound to neither to words or sounds but i all-inclusive. It is the symbolic language. I will share with you some parts that together form a intricate red line, a story. A old story that has been told to us before, that more then ever relates to our lives today.

The keys to interpretation
Before I start I need to share some knowledge which is necessary if one is to decode the happenings of this world.The world and universe is a two polar world. This can be traced all from biology, chemistry, physics etc. But this is also true when it comes to ideas, behaviour and life in general. A common way of representing this knowledge is the Yin Yang theory from the Asian tradition. These forces are also in great detail explained by the Austrian esotericist Rudolph Steiner.
One of these polarities is the Yang. The Yang-force is active, focused, hard and represents the material forces of this universe. This force is also sometimes called the Satanic or Ahrimanic force. But let us be clear this force is not evil and it is absolutely necessary, without it you would not exist. The Yang polarity is today represented by the Anglo-American power-sphere and the rest of the peoples adopting its mindset. This force is the acting force and you could say in away that it is a YES force, something that is relevant to this movie. Most of all this force is a spiritual force, an intelligence that wants to draw the human consciousness down into matter.
The other polarity is the Yin.-force, and it is often described as the inhibitory force, it is soft, spread out and represents the spiritual force. An expression of its inhibitory expression is the repressed sexuality in middle eastern countries like Iran, in contrast to the totally unrestrained sexuality that is manifested I western culture.
This Yin-force is by some called the Luciferic force. By some line of thought it is described as the white side, the good side. This side promotes moral conduct but in a mechanic way. From an evolutionary standpoint this side is just as good or bad as the Yang force. In its core it is a spiritual force that wants to pull human consciousness into the spiritual and drag it out of the material. This force is dominant in the Asian continent mainly in Iran and China. This is also significant for this movie.
These two forces are engaged in a neverending cosmic battle that take form in geopoliticals battles, good old argument between husband and wife in the kitchen but also takes place inside ourselves, presented as the angel and devil on our shoulder. These forces are neither good nor evil, but consequence of them can be disastrous when they are out of balance. We humans unfortunately feel like Homer in the picture above, stuck in between these forces, not knowing what to do.
Saying yes to anything automatically is not especially smart, it is a bit more fun in short term, but it is as ignorant as saying no to everything. Offcourse the right way is to be able to be both inhibitory (NO) and active(YES), according to the real life situation, not according to a pre-determined set of ideas coming from the tellie or from you’re new age guru.

Those vulnerable to this movies ideas are “boring” people who have been living under the mechanic influence of the inhibitory force, this movie can get them to swing the pendulum and get into the opposite mechanic force. Nevertheless they will find themselves in even more dire situation then before.

What the satanic and luciferic forces have in common is that want man to be a automaton, a mechanic being that is a reactive and that acts purely on impulses based on a set of wrong ideas.. This movie uplifts this way of being, labelling it as something fun positive as “saying yes to life”, when in fact you are saying yes to the fast lane to spiritual death.

The Pentagram is the Man
The first contact people have with the movie is usually the poster. We are going to examine what is communicated.
Some are going to react on the fact that I have rotated the poster so it fits the inverted star. But the important fact here is that the inverted star is a symbol of the fallen man this is known by all who study esoteric literature, so it is not by chance this picture has been choosen. That becomes quite clear in the movie because the bungyjump scene is connected to the characters demise(fall) in the movie.

Now let us go more into depth with the meaning of the pentagram.
The top of the star heading up, represents the spirit on top of the other elements.
If you invert this symbol you have the fallen man, a person in which matter has subdued the spirit.
What does is mean to have ones spirit subdued by matter?You constantly dreaming about you’re luxury apartment, you worrying about you’re financial situation you feeling anger against somebody. If you’re awareness is caught up in reoccurring thoughts and emotions, that is a example of spirit being subdued by matter. That offcourse means that the vast majority of mankind is fallen. It sounds dramatic and scary, but  one should not be anxious about this, it has been like this for thousands of years. But we now also have an excelent oppurtunity to make things better by changing ourselves, by observing our mind and being present. Their is a lot of knowledge now available to us that has been hidden up to now. Make use of it.
Hand signs

On another poster we have Jim Carrey flashing the satanic handsign. He is showing the classical satanic hand sign which signifies the subjugation of the spirit. Two edges above and three below. Another satanic handsign which is often unknowingly used by the public is the victory-handsign shown to the right, which is another version symbolising the fallen man. In no case would I want to make people feel hostility against Jim Carrey, or flare up some fanatic religious beliefsystem. Truth is that we are all in a very bad spiritual state, so spare the hostility.

The wretched man
In another poster Jim stands leaning to his right. Why is this significant? When intrepating information in a usual manner this would be unimportent. But remember that the main launguage used here is symbolical.This language is sometimes very simple, often too simple for us to understand it.
Lets ask ourselves, what happens before a person falls? He has to loose balance and tilt, right?
There is also a deeper level of this.In our body we bare signs of our spiritual condition. A unbalanced personality after a while leaves quite significant trail in the bodily structure and posture. Standing in the way shown in this picture, communicates that the persons body is out of balance, but it most of all represents a spiritually unbalanced person. Yin and yang are also present in the human body. This posture indicates that one side (yang) is significantly stronger then the yin side of the body. This is sometimes also signified with some cultmembers when they hide one eye. They are showing everybody how they have "sucessfully" become onesided (yang). 
Broken persons and persons in a low spritual state often have wretched postures and unsymmetrical facial and body structures. Most of us carry these kind of disfigurations in different scales. So one should not be judgemental about this. We should non the less be aware that balanced and unbalanced spiritual qualities can be recognized in the physical world, and for the trained eye, it can be provide a lot of important information.

Analysis of the movie 

Different scenes are going to be presented in a chronological order. The connection and relation to the real world can be viewed as vague by some readers, but this also depends on the viewers backround knowledge in different subjects. For instance one has to bee aware basic spritual concepts. Other key issue for correct interpretation is being aware of the consolidation of power that has been taking place and the distribution of power between government and population, knowing the facts about the war on terror and creation of a surveillance society, dynamics between fiat-curruncy system and war and at last the push for a transhuman society. Read this quote from Brzezinki too get the picture   If one is not knowledgeable in these areas, this article would seem to the person as utterly silly.
What you will see is that this movie presents the happenings in the world for the last 20 years, more so it goes in to the future and reveals what lies ahead.

I want to make clear that I don’t believe that every thing I mentioned in this analysis in consciously put in the movie by the director or writers. The mind forces Yin and yang  express themselves through us humans without our awareness of them. We usually label them as “I think so and so…  or  I feel that….
In many movies the directors and writers are just channels through which these intelligences express themselves.

Sitting on somebodies head 

Imposing the handler’s mindset. The eyes above the head in this context signify a possession, that someone else is sitting on the head and doing the thinking for the victim.
Carl after being at the cult meeting, accepts a new set of thoughs to govern him. These are the wrong ideas mentioned before. Remember, everything that happens to Carl is a representation of what happens in the society and to the population. Our materialistic mindset is what we are talking about here.

Degeneration of sexuality
Carl has pledged to say yes to everything, when confronted with an old women that want's to have sex with him he reluctantly agrees.When esotericists speak of a "fall" they are refering to a sexual fall. Sexuality is the most powerful energy to a human disposal. This creative energy sets the precursors to how the rest of bodily centres will work. More so it sets the mode of how we perceive things. So when a person starts having a more animalistic kind of sex, that person is on the path of degeneration, this is a fact that we can observe in ourselfes and also in persons around us. This scene symbolises the sexual fall and degeneration of mankind.

The mega ritual
This connection is not as strong as the other ones, but this is worth considering.

Economic boom -Easy credit

Carl works at a bank as a credit-issuer. This is one of many credits Carl has approved. After his wow to say yes to everything Carl issues enormous ammounts of credit to everything that can fog a mirrorr. Everybody absolutly adores Carl, he makes peoples dreams come true. He also gets a huge promotation for his talent with the stamp. In this fenomenal screendump, you see a approved credit with manure all over it. Get it?
All the easy money has been a anesthetic drug for the public, clouding their minds while they are sinking lower and lower in the level of being.

Intrusive goverment
Carl has been behaving quite strangely lately. He has been taking flyinglessons, contacting persian women, taking korean lessons etc. Snooping goverment finds Carl activities very suspecting. This scene decribes the new paridigm in the real world; everybody is a potential terroristsuspect, even white causasian men.
The consilidation of power within the corparate world and the merger of the goverments and corparations show us just another example of how the yang forces express themselves. Yang is focused, pragmatic, hard and cold. On the other side you have the "opponent" the spread out yin force, which in this case would be the population of this world.

Break up and the fall
After a fight and breakup with his girlfriend Carl for some reason goes bungyjumping. Offcourse this is representation of his fall. As I mentioned before a fall, is a conseqence of misuse of the sexual energy. When the relationship between a man and a women is broken all kind of misery takes place. Most of the persons committing different crimes and creating all kinds of havoc in the world come from a broken family. The primary reason why a relationship don´t work, is offcourse non functioning sexual relation between the women and the man.

Economic Bust

Rigth after Carl falls, he gets a phonecall from his boss. All the bad credit that has been issued has led the bank in financial problems, so Carl gets ordered to shut down the department and fire employees.
This scene is the stage where we are at. After the huge creditboom there comes a bust. Due to the proportion of the credit created in the world, the outcome will probably be a global collapse of currencies, huge wealthdestruction and the most extraordinary and painful way for the public to learn what fiat-money is.

Sparta- War

After economic turmoil usually you hear the drums of war. As shown in the movie where Norman, a jolly guy, suddenly turns into a Spartan-warrior. When the system fails, and people are destroyed financialy, they will go after the politicians and bankers. As a selfprotection mechanism the elite will take us to war. Another possibility is that the elite will act ahead with a staged event. It could be all from falseflag incidents or geological warfare.
Something big enough to make people think that this event destroyed the financial system, when in fact the finacial system is already destroyed. This we see presented in the movie where Norman the banker is suited for war after his bank goes bust.

Persian Wife finder
This could be an indication of an coming assault on Iran. But it also has several layers. Media and especially Hollywood has a tradition on potraiting matrimony as something boring and unfulfilling pointing to in this case “Persian wife finder” as a extremely unattractive way of meeting the love of you´re life.
The Ayatollahs in Iran, representing the the opposite pole; Luciferic energies,  points to the USA with all of it sexual degradation and implies that there is no other way then repressed sexuality. Iran in many senses represents the mechanical opposition to NWO. Both in politics an in the world of ideas. The Ayatollahs fanatic interpretation of spirituality bears its roots in Luceferic tendencies. The opposite pole is the Materialistic (Satanic) pole, which today expresses itself through Europe and the United States. Importent that one should put aside all prejudice when hearing these terms (Luceferic and Satanic) and if one wishes to get a clear understandning of them one should study the work of Rudolph Steiner ( The correct way of relating to these different poles comes from understanding, and balancing the two different poles, not reacting nor preferring one pole before the other. USA and Iran in this situation represents the extremes when it comes to ideas. Off course the different poles attract each other and want to battle. Both are equally extreme and far of from the truth, but by there expression, we are being taught the middle way.

Naked people from all races

This scene has a strong connection to a scen i George Orwells 1984. After the economic turmoil and following war the populace will be in a vulnerable position. It doesn’t  have to be a catastrophic event, but it has to be percived as catastrophic to get people desperate. Just lowering the standard a notch or two, will be enough to make alot of people beg for change. 
By this time, most of the political, financial and military power will be consolidated. In preparation of this moment humanity will be tempered with genetically through bio-synthethic assaults on the humane genome. Vaccines and bio-synthethic, freeze dried bloodcells sprayed in the human environment are a part of this genetic warfare on humanity. This last scene symbolise that the masses now have left the old ways behind (undressed) and are now fully receptive for the great change. Offcourse this is all a wishfull thinkning of the Yang/Ahrimanic powers. They are underestimating what happens when a human wakes up.

The Change- Transhumanism

In the last scene of the movie the couple stands dressed in a robotic roller outfit, Allison says to Carl: "See you at the bottom!"
What is the change? The change is Transhumanism.The integration of technology into our bodies. This is offcourse materialism gone extreme.The last scene is representation of the animalistic robotic human, falling headfirst into matter. This is a reference to the inverted pentagram. The argument is going to be that transhumanism is the only possible way for human evolution. Many people are going to accept this argument because they are not simply aware of what kind of evolutionary capabilities we have already built in, in our being. Humanity has a predestined evolution with development of inner faculties and capabilities far more advanced and dignified then the bio-synthethic alternative that these dark powers are trying to establish.

Its all going to come down to; will we be able to find a third force, a reconciling force to transcend these two-polar conflicting energies? This is truly going to be a crossroad for humanity.

Read more about the Sexualisation of Robots


  1. Mother of god...this is mind blowing.

    1. Mother of god... this is retarded

    2. Mother of god... He is not standing straight in a movie poster!

  2. I saw the movie to see if there were a lot of symbols in it. Of course it's a bit like masonry in that he joined this thing which gave him privileges, and also that he could break the rule later on but it's nothing to make a huge point about. The movie itself was a waste of time. Switch it off.

    > will we be able to find a third force, a reconciling force to transcend these two-polar conflicting energies?

    There is always the one created for you all to step into. The perfect middle is called COMMUNITARIANISM if anyone wants to study it. THAT's mindblowing.

    1. hmm Communitarianism I look into that!

  3. By the way, you are right about transhumanism. It'll seem as though we are just evolving to most people who are already adapting to it.

    1. I´m going to write an article on how we are being changed. What we perceive we absorb into our being. Just the fact that we spend our time around technological artefacts changes us. In this I will go into depth

  4. Masons always get the best artists, to communicate and brainwash people.
    Jim Carrey is excellent nevertheless.

  5. This is just propaganda, the guy who wrote this want to manipulate you.

    1. What do you think is the purpose of the propaganda?

  6. Looking at the comments I can easily see who has taken the red pill and who hasn't.

    "Power Corrupts, Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely."

  7. Absolutely Brilliant!

  8. William sutton " the illuminati 666 ". This backs everything you're being informed of in this movie. Thanks for the insight.
