Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Annoying drones in a technocratic society

We have the technocratic society unfolding before our eyes, where the elite wants to have complete control over people, infrastructure, goods and money. Today we have thousands of people flying drones and watching surveillance footage. Reaching allcross the “civilized” countries and a bit into the “wild”.

In the future the City will be the “safe” zone and the countryside will be a ”dangerous ”place full of outcasts , people that prefer to live with nature, having some liberty and living without integrated enhancements in their bodies. Off course there will be thieves and outlaws there too, because the society will give people no chance of making a decent living if one does not participate in the madness. There will also be a controlled opposition that will spread fear and provide a cover for the elite to do what ever they please when it comes to downgrading personal freedom.

A big threat to the transhuman technocratic, dictatorial society will be the beauty of nature. Nature’s beauty has the capacity to awaken us from the minds madness.  Offcourse their will be other great threats such as love between beings and not to mention the truth. The biggest threat of all will be the human who starts perceiving the reality as it is and not from a perception clouded by thought.

Since building a surveillance infrastructure is expensive, vast areas will have to be covered with small annoying noisy drones. This pain in the ass device will fly around and take photos and harass people who are not participating in the technocratic society.  If one for example farmer will react to the harassment in aggressive way, say for instance he/she throws a rock at the drone after listening to the bugging noise all day, he will find himself being a target for even more harassment, maybe even incarceration.
This dire future await us If we do not change ourselves and start questioning the stream of thought coming from inside of us and all the nonsensical science and “logic” coming from the establishment.

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